FedCSIS’16 Plenary Panel on the Legacy of Professor Zdzisław Pawlak
FedCSIS’16 plenary session, Gdańsk, Poland, September 12, 16:30 - 18:30
This is the year of the 90th anniversary of the birth and the 10th anniversary of the death of Professor Zdzisław Pawlak – a Polish mathematician and computer scientist known for his contribution to many branches of theory and applications, a full member of Polish Academy of Sciences, a recipient of Order of Polonia Restituta and many prestigious awards in Poland and abroad. The scientific work of Professor Pawlak is probably most recognized from the perspective of rough set theory that he founded in the early 80’s. However, it is important to emphasize also some of his other achievements, e.g., designing the first Polish computer (GAM-1, 1950), introducing a new approach to random number generation (1953, the first international publication of a scientist from Poland in the area of computer science), introducing a positional numeral system with base -2, introducing a generalized class of reverse Polish notation languages, proposing a new formal model of digital machine, creating the first mathematical model of DNA (1965), or proposing a new, very-well received mathematical model of conflict analysis.
Topics and Format
The goal of this panel is to summarize the scientific journey of Professor Zdzisław Pawlak and discuss how to make further progress by following his great intuitions, emphasis on clarity of ideas, as well as willingness to work on interdisciplinary projects. Some of areas of Professor Pawlak’s activities will be discussed by his friends and co-workers:
- Stan Matwin - Introduction: Professor Pawlak as a Scientist, a Teacher and a Mentor (PDF presentation)
- Victor W. Marek - Working with Zdzisław Pawlak: Excursions in Computer Science and Mathematics (YouTube video, PDF presentation)
- Ewa Orłowska - The Evolution of Rough Sets (PDF presentation)
- James F. Peters, Sheela Ramanna - Gentle Art of Zdzisław Pawlak's Paintings (PDF presentation)
- Alicja Wakulicz-Deja, Małgorzata Przybyła-Kasperek - Pawlak’s Conflict Model: Directions of Development (PDF presentation)
- Andrzej Skowron - From Information Systems to Interactive Information Systems (PDF presentation)
FedCSIS’16 Plenary Panel will form a thematic block with one of FedCSIS’16 / AAIA’16 regular sessions focused on rough sets and approximate reasoning. Moreover, the panel’s contents will be coordinated with the analogous event held at IJCRS’16 conference co-organized by International Rough Set Society (IRSS) in Santiago de Chile, October 7-11, 2016.
Panel Moderator
Dominik Ślęzak, University of Warsaw & Infobright, Poland