Prague, Czech Republic, 3 - 6 September, 2017
Papers corrections can be submitted till September 15th, 2017. Please send them to technical.editor@fedcsis.org
The mission of the FedCSIS Conference Series is to provide a highly acclaimed multi-conference forum in computer science and information systems. The forum invites researchers from around the world to contribute their research results and participate in Events focused on their scientific and professional interests in computer science and information systems.
The FedCSIS multi-conference consists of a significant number of recurring Events and it welcomes proposals for new Events (conferences, symposia, workshops, special sessions). Each Event may run over any span of time within the conference dates (from half-day to three days). Since 2012, Proceedings of the FedCSIS conference are indexed in the Web of Science and other indexing services.
FedCSIS on www.ieee.org www.acm.org | |
FedCSIS 2016 Proceedings in IEEE Digital Library | FedCSIS 2016 Proceedings in Web of Science (restricted access) |
Events confirmed to take place during the FedCSIS 2017 conference are listed below. These events are grouped into FedCSIS conference areas, of various degree of integration. Specifically, those listed in italics and without indication of the year 2017 signify "abstract areas" with no direct paper submissions (i.e. paper submissions only within enclosed events). DS-RAIT is a Doctoral Consortium for all FedCSIS areas.
AAIA'17 - 12th International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
- AIMA'17 - 7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications
- AIRIM'17 - 2nd International Workshop on AI aspects of Reasoning, Information, and Memory
- ASIR'17 - 7th International Workshop on Advances in Semantic Information Retrieval
- JAWS'17 - 11th Joint Agent-oriented Workshops in Synergy
- LTA'17 - 2nd International Workshop on Language Technologies and Applications
- WCO'17 - 10th International Workshop on Computational Optimization
CSS - Computer Science & Systems
- CANA'17 - 10th Workshop on Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
- C&SS'17 - 4th International Conference on Cryptography and Security Systems
- CPORA'17 - 2nd Workshop on Constraint Programming and Operation Research Applications
- MMAP'17 - 10th International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and Processing
- WAPL'17 - 6th Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages
- WSC'17 - 9th Workshop on Scalable Computing
iNetSApp - International Conference on Innovative Network Systems and Applications
- INSERT'17 - 1st International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Trust
- IoT-ECAW'17 - 1st Workshop on Internet of Things - Enablers, Challenges and Applications
- WSN'17 - 6th International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks
- IT4MBS - Information Technology for Management, Business & Society
- SSD&A - Software Systems Development & Applications
- DS-RAIT'17 - 4th Doctoral Symposium on Recent Advances in Information Technology