11th International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA'16)
Gdansk, Poland, 11 - 14 September, 2016
Call for participation:
AAIA'16 Data Mining Challenge
AAIA'16 Data Mining Challenge Promo Video
AAIA'16 Data Mining Challenge Promo Video (in Polish)
The AAIA'16 will bring scientists, developers, practitioners, and users to present their latest research, results, and ideas in all areas of Artificial Intelligence. We hope that theory and successful applications presented at the AAIA'16 will be of interest to researchers who want to know about both theoretical advances and latest applied developments in AI.
Papers related to theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology in this theme are especially solicited. Topics covering industrial issues/applications and academic research are included, but not limited to:
- Decision Support
- Machine Learning
- Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing
- Rough Sets and Approximate Reasoning (see also FedCSIS’16 Plenary Panel commemorating Prof. Zdzisław Pawlak)
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Data Modeling and Feature Engineering
- Data Integration and Information Fusion
- Hybrid and Hierarchical Intelligent Systems
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Bayesian Networks and Bayesian Reasoning
- Case-based Reasoning and Similarity
- Web Mining and Social Networks
- AI in Business Intelligence and Online Analytics
- AI in Robotics and Cyber-Physical Systems
- AI-centered Systems and Large-Scale Applications
We also encourage researchers interested in the following topics to submit papers directly to the corresponding workshops, which are integral parts of AAIA’16:
- AI in Computational Optimization (see WCO'16 workshop)
- AI in Language Technologies (see LTA'16 workshop)
- AI in Machine Vision and Graphics (see AIMaViG'16 workshop)
- AI in Medical Applications (see AIMA'16 workshop)
- AI in Reasoning and Computational Foundations (see AIRIM'16 workshop)
- AI in Semantic Information Retrieval (see ASIR'16 workshop)
- AI in Spatial and Temporal Analytics (see DSTUI'16 workshop)
All papers accepted to the main track of AAIA’16 and to the above workshops will be treated equally in the conference programme and will be equally considered for the awards listed below.
Professor Zdzislaw Pawlak Best Paper Awards
We are proud to announce that we will continue the tradition started during the AAIA'06 Symposium and award two "Professor Zdzislaw Pawlak Best Paper Awards" for contributions which are outstanding in their scientific quality. The two award categories are:
- Best Student Paper - for graduate or PhD students. Papers qualifying for this award must be marked as "Student full paper" to be eligible for consideration.
- Best Paper Award for the authors of the best paper appearing at the Symposium.
In addition to a certificate, each award carries a prize of 300 EUR provided by the Mazowsze Chapter of the Polish Information Processing Society.
Candidates for the above awards can come from the AAIA’16 and all workshops organized within its framework.
Paper submission
- Authors should submit draft papers (as Postscript, PDF or MSWord file).
- The total length of a paper should not exceed 10 pages IEEE style (including tables, figures and references). IEEE style templates are available here.
- Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the workshop.
- Preprints containing accepted papers will be published on a USB memory stick provided to the FedCSIS participants.
- Only papers presented at the conference will be published in Conference Proceedings and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® database.
- Conference proceedings will be published in a volume with ISBN, ISSN and DOI numbers and posted at the conference WWW site.
- Conference proceedings will be indexed in BazEkon and submitted for indexation in: Thomson Reuters - Conference Proceedings Citation Index, SciVerse Scopus, Inspec, Index Copernicus, DBLP Computer Science Bibliography and Google Scholar
- Organizers reserve right to move accepted papers between FedCSIS events.
Post-AAIA publications
The authors of regular papers presented at AAIA will be encouraged to substantially extend (30% overlap allowed) and submit their work to Information Sciences (INS). Further reviewing process will be coordinated by one of AAIA chairs (Dominik Slezak - Associate Editor of INS) according to standard INS procedures. Presenting and gathering feedback at AAIA may help in preparing extended materials and - therefore - influence the next steps of the reviewing process.