Professor Zdzisław Pawlak Best Paper Awards

In 2022 it will be 40 years since late Professor Zdzisław Pawlak have founded the theory of Rough Sets, one of his most recognized achievements. However, in his research, Professor Pawlak has emphasized a need of cross-disciplinary, cross-country and cross-generation cooperation. In Computer Science, there may emerge a brilliant idea in someone’s head, but it requires his or her collaborators to make it growing dynamically and then - a number of subject matter experts, from various fields, to develop its practical applications.

Inspired by the above, we broaden the range of Zdzisław Pawlak Awards. From now on, the following categories of awards will be eligible for all tracks of the FedCSIS conference (including all technical sessions within each track):

  • Best Paper Award (€600): the best out of all papers accepted to the conference;
  • Young Researcher Award (€400): the best out of papers whereby all authors are younger than 40 years;
  • Industry Cooperation Award (€400): the best out of papers whereby there are at least two different authors, one working in academia and another one in industry;
  • International Cooperation Award (€400): the best out of papers whereby there are at least two different authors working in institutions located in two different countries.

We believe that all these new categories reflect the principles of Professor Pawlak’s work.

The Best Paper Award and the Young Researcher Paper Award are delivered under patronage of the Mazovia Branch of the Polish Information Processing Society. Since 2021 the Young Researcher Award and the Industry Cooperation Award are sponsored (and other awards co-sponsored) by QED Software - a Polish company specialized in development of new AI and Data Mining products and services, following the same ideas of joint growth and research collaboration.

The awards will be decided by the committee of esteemed scientists, who had the privilege to know and cooperate with Professor Pawlak. As already mentioned, unlike at the previous FedCSIS conferences, all papers will be eligible - not only papers related to AI. We trust that this is something Zdzisław Pawlak would support as well - to look for relationships, not differences.

Autoportret prof. Zdzisława Pawlaka (YouTube video in Polish)

Best Paper Committee

Thus far the winners were:


Best paper

Anh Nguyen Mac (American School of Warsaw), Hung Son Nguyen (University of Warsaw) for the paper:

Young Researcher

Christian Leyh (Technische Universität Dresden), Konstanze Köppel (Technische Universität Dresden), Sarah Neuschl (Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW), Milan Pentrack (Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW) for the paper:

Industry Cooperation

Lov Kumar (BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus), Mukesh Kumar (NIT Patna), Lalita Bhanu Murthy (BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus),  Sanjay Misra (Østfold University College, Halden, Norway), Vipul Kocher (Testaing.Com), Srinivas Padmanabhuni (Testaing.Com) for the paper:

International Cooperation

Arman Ferdowsi (Vienna University of Technology), Alireza Khanteymoori (University of Freiburg) for the paper:


Best paper

Łukasz Sosnowski (Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences), Tomasz Penza (OvuFriend Sp. z o.o.) for the paper:

  • Generating Fuzzy Linguistic Summaries for Menstrual Cycles

Best Student Paper

Joanna Henzel (Silesian University of Technology) for the paper:

  • Gradient Boosting Application in Forecasting of Performance Indicators Values for Measuring the Efficiency of Promotions in FMCG Retail


Best Paper

Przemysław Dolata and Jacek Reiner from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland for the paper:

Best Student Paper

Maciej Laszczyk from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland for the paper:


Best Paper

Joerg Bremer and Sebastian Lehnhoff from University of Oldenburg, Germany for the paper:

Best Student Paper

Tomasz Tajmajer from University of Warsaw, Poland for the paper:


Best Paper

Winners: Jens Dörpinghaus, Sebastian Schaaf, Juliane Fluck, Marc Jacobs for the paper:

Student Paper Distinctions

Paweł B. Myszkowski, Maciej Laszczyk, Dawid Kalinowski for the paper:

Krzysztof Wołk, Agnieszka Wolk, Krzysztof Marasek for the paper:


Best Paper

Winners: Andy Lücking for the paper:

Best Student Paper

Winner: Jan Jakubik for the paper:


Best Paper

Winners: Adam Grabowski, Artur Korniłowicz, Christoph Schwarzweller for the paper:

Best Student Paper

Winners: Migual Ángel Abad, Ernestina Menaslvas for the paper:


Best Paper

Winners: Bernadette Varga, Andrei Roth for the paper:

Best Student Paper

Winners: Anras Bota, Miklos Kresz, Andras Pluhar for the paper:


Best Paper

Winners: Bartosz Krawczyk for the paper:

  • Combining One-Class Support Vector Machines for Microarray Classification

Best Student Paper

Winners: Kyle M. Tarplee, Ryan Friese, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Howard Jay Siegel for the paper:

  • Efficient and Scalable Computation of the Energy and Makespan Pareto Front for Heterogeneous Computing Systems


Best Paper

Winner: Andrzej Janusz and Dominik Ślęzak for the paper:

  • Utilization of Attribute Clustering Methods for Scalable Computation of Reducts from High-Dimensional Data

Best Student Paper

Winners: Ron Adany and Tami Tamir for the paper:

  • Online Algorithm for Battery Utilization in Electric Vehicles


Best Student Paper

Winner: Dmitrij Żatuchin for the paper:

Best Paper Award

Winner: Mariusz Paradowski for the paper:


Best Paper

Winner: Mariusz Paradowski for the paper:

Best Student Paper

Winner: Katarzyna Agnieszka Olkiewicz for the paper:


Best Paper

Winner: Urszula Markowska-Kaczmar for the paper:

Best Student Paper

Winner: Bartosz Broda for the paper:


Best Paper

Winner:  Mariusz Paradowski for the paper:

Best Student Paper

Winner:  Grzegorz Terlikowski for the paper:


Best Paper

Winner:  Daniela Zacharie for the paper:

Best Student Paper

Winner:  Monika Rosińska for the paper:


Best Paper

Winner: Krzysztof Jassem for the paper:

Best Student Paper

Winner:  Łukasz Słabiński for the paper:

Important dates

Paper submission (sharp / no extension): May 24, 2021
Position paper submission: June 14, 2021
Author notification: July 5, 2021
Final paper submission, registration: July 26, 2021
Payment: August 19, 2021
Conference date: September 2-5, 2021

FedCSIS 2021 is organized by

Institute of Information and Communication Technologies

Polish Information Processing Society

Warsaw University of Technology

Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences

Wrocław University of Economics

IEEE Computer Society Polish Section Chapter


Strategic Partner

QED Software