CSS & MMAP Program
Links to sessions for attendees will be available in the table.
Current CET/CEST date and time:
10:00-12:00 CET/CEST | Saturday 04.09.2021. Session 1. Chairs: Katarzyna Wasielewska-Michniewska, Dumitru Dan Burdescu - JOIN HERE |
10:00-10:20 | Thespis: Causally-consistent OLTP - Vitezslav Nezval |
10:20-10:40 | Enabling Autonomous Medical Image Data Annotation: A human-in-the-loop Reinforcement Learning Approach - Leonardo da Cruz, César Sierra-Franco, Greis Silva-Calpa and Alberto Raposo |
10:40-10:55 | Modeling the processes of occurrence and elimination of errors in automated man-machine control systems - Evgeniy Lavrov and Yan Vojcekhovskij |
10:55-11:10 | YouTube Video's Recommendation Based on SPARK-Word2Vec Approach - Benjelloune Touimi Yassine, Hadioui Abdeladim and El Faddouli Nourredine |
11:10-11:25 | Analyzing the Side Effects of Blur in Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks - Ahmet Firat Yelkuvan |
11:25-11:45 | Design and application of facial expression analysis system in empathy ability of children with autism spectrum disorder - Chen Guo, Kun Zhang, Jingying Chen, Ruyi Xu and Lei Gao |
11:45-12:00 | A Comparison between a Relational and a Graph Database in the Context of a Recommendation System - Liana Stanescu |