Jan Vitek |
Next year, the R programming language and software environment will celebrate its first quarter century. Over that time, R has transformed the way data analysis is conducted, providing us with a common language for the exchange of ideas and implementations of those ideas. With over 3 millions users worldwide the language has freed statisticians, biologists, economists, and even computer scientists from the shackles of proprietary analytics packages and democratized the process of data exploration. This talk will cover aspects of the R ecosystem ranging from the language to its most widely used libraries, and will discuss the future of R in the age of big data.
Short Bio
Jan Vitek is a Professor of Computer Science at Northeastern University. He holds degrees from the University of Geneva (PhD'99, BS'89) and University of Victoria (MS'95). Professor Vitek works on topics related to the design and implementation of programming languages. In the Ovm project, he led the implementation of the first real-time Java virtual machine to be successfully flight-tested. Together with Noble and Potter, he proposed a concept that became known as Ownership Types. Prof Vitek was one of the designers of the Thorn language. He works on gaining a better understanding of the JavaScript language and is now looking at supporting scalable data analysis in R. Prof Vitek chaired ACM SIGPLAN; he is the Chief Scientist at Fiji Systems, he is a vice chair of AITO; was a vice chair of IFIP WG 2.4. He chaired PLDI, ISMM and LCTES and was program chair of ESOP, ECOOP, VEE, Coordination, and TOOLS. Vitek has started a number of successful workshop series, including MOS on Mobile Objects, IWACO, STOP, and TRANSACT. He is/was on the steering committees of ECOOP, JTRES, TRANSACT, ICFP, OOPSLA, POPL, PLDI and LCTES.