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7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications (AIMA'17)
Prague, Czech Republic, 3 - 6 September, 2017
The workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications – AIMA'2017 - provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and developers to present and discuss latest advances in research work as well as prototyped or fielded systems of applications of Artificial Intelligence in the wide and heterogenious field of medicine, health care and surgery. The workshop covers the whole range of theoretical and practical aspects, technologies and systems based on Artificial Intelligence in the medical domain and aims to bring together specialists for exchanging ideas and promote fruitful discussions.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Health Sciences
- Knowledge Management of Medical Data
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Medicine
- Health Care Information Systems
- Clinical Information Systems
- Agent Oriented Techniques in Medicine
- Medical Image Processing and Techniques
- Medical Expert Systems
- Diagnoses and Therapy Support Systems
- Biomedical Applications
- Applications of AI in Health Care and Surgery Systems
- Machine Learning-based Medical Systems
- Medical Data- and Knowledge Bases
- Neural Networks in Medicine
- Ontology and Medical Information
- Social Aspects of AI in Medicine
- Medical Signal and Image Processing and Techniques
- Ambient Intelligence and Pervasive Computing in Medicine and Health Care
Paper submission
- Authors should submit draft papers (as Postscript, PDF or MSWord file).
- The total length of a paper should not exceed 10 pages IEEE style (including tables, figures and references). IEEE style templates are available here.
- Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the workshop.
- Preprints containing accepted papers will be published on a USB memory stick provided to the FedCSIS participants.
- Only papers presented at the conference will be published in Conference Proceedings and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® database.
- Conference proceedings will be published in a volume with ISBN, ISSN and DOI numbers and posted at the conference WWW site.
- Conference proceedings will be indexed in BazEkon and submitted for indexation in: Thomson Reuters - Conference Proceedings Citation Index, SciVerse Scopus, Inspec, Index Copernicus, DBLP Computer Science Bibliography and Google Scholar
- Extended versions of selected papers presented during the conference will be published as Special Issue(s).
- Organizers reserve right to move accepted papers between FedCSIS events.