Call for Tutorials
FedCSIS 2011 Organizing Committee invites proposals for
tutorials to be presented at the 2011 Federated Conference on
Computer Science and Information Systems to be held in
Szczecin, Poland, 19-22 September, 2011. The tutorials will be
held in parallel with other conference events for either a half
day or a full day.
Proposals should be 2-4 pages in length and include the following:
- Title of the tutorial and its length (1/2 day or 1 day)
- Name(s) of the instructor(s) and their contact information (email, phone, WWW)
- A short CV of each instructor indicating their background in the tutorial area and their experience in delivering tutorials in the past
- Short Abstract (1-2 paragraphs suitable for inclusion in conference registration materials)
- List of topics with description (1-2 pages for review)
- Target audience description including prerequisite knowledge expected from participants
- References that would support proposal evaluation
Deadline for tutorial proposals | June 20, 2011 |
Notification of acceptance | July 9, 2011 |
Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF using the FedCSIS submission system Proposals will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs and members of the organizing committee.
Compensation for tutorial speakers includes complimentary conference and tutorial registration, including lodging and meals. There is no monetary remuneration planned for the tutorial speakers. Tutorial speakers are responsible for their travel expenses.
For any further questions regarding the proposals, please send an e-mail to one of the tutorial chairs: