International Multiconference
on Computer Science and Information Technology

20-22 October 2008, Wisla, Poland
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Jose Maria Cavanillas, Atos Origin


"NESSI platform -- why national NESSI platforms are created and what do they do?"

This talk will briefly present the creation process of NESSI, the European Technology Platform dedicated to Software and Services, showing a complete view from its beginnings and establishment, its objectives, first steps and stake holders involved.

In addition, a summary about its government structure, profits achieved throughout the life of the platform, as well as of the obtained results, means used and challenges assumed in the mid and long term will be present.

Finally, with global European objectives set in NESSI, it is necessary to align them with other complementary initiatives at national and regional level. Collaboration and contributions between NESSI and national and regional initiatives are essential due to obtain consistent results at different levels and face new targets together in the mid and long term. 

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