International Multiconference
on Computer Science and Information Technology

October 15-17, 2007, Wisla, Poland


The full conference fee for the IMCSIT 2007 Conference is 650 € (euro). This fee includes:
  • 3 consecutive nights in a single room and all meals during these days
  • admittance to all conference sessions, panels, etc.
  • a copy of proceedings
  • concerts
  • coffee breaks
  • admission to conference social events (additional attractions)
  • Internet access
  • publication of a single paper in the Conference Proceedings
  • participation in all events of the co-located conference of the Polish Information Processing Society
Please note that to encourage participation in IMCSIT of scientists from selected countries of Eastern Europe, a special registration fee of 450 € is provided for scientists from Bulgaria, Romania, and former USSR.

The list of all additional discounts (e.g. for the second author of a given paper participating in the conference, etc.) and fees (e.g. accompanying person, additional paper, extra pages, etc.) is available during conference registration. Note that you must use the
online system to register for the conference.
Note that payment of the Conference Fee is required for inclusion of the paper into the Proceedings. Therefore the Conference Fee has to be paid by September, 20th, 2007.
To assure the special room-rate and room availability we kindly request that you pay the conference fee before September, 27th . After this date no guarantee about room availability and their prices can be made. Note: it is also possible to register and pay the conference fee upon arrival.

Polscy uczestnicy wpĚ�?acaj??�? odpowiednio (opĚ�?aty te dotycz??�? wyĚ�???�?cznie autorów  zaakceptowanych tekstów; pozostali uczestnicy z Polski pĚ�?ac??�? za uczestnictwo w konferencji tyle samo jak za uczestnictwo w XXIII Jesiennych Spotkaniach PTI):
  • opĚ�?ata peĚ�?na - 1500 PLN (3 noclegi w hotelu Gol??�?biewskim (14/15, 15/16, 16/17.10 lub 15/16, 16/17, 17/18.10) peĚ�?ne wyĚ??ywienie w ci??�?gu tych dni, bankiet, Proceedings, koncerty i inne atrakcje, coffee breaks, dost??�?p do Internetu, publikacja jednego tekstu w Proceedings, etc.)
  • opĚ�?ata bez zamieszkania - 900 PLN (jak powyĚ??ej, ale zamieszkanie we wĚ�?asnym zakresie)
  • jednodniówka - 500 PLN (pobyt jednoniowy na konferencji, lunch, Proceedings, coffee breaks)
SzczegóĚ�?owe informacje dotyczace zniĚ??ek jak i dodatkowych opĚ�?at dost??�?pne s??�? w systemie rejestracji, który musi by??�? wykorzystany do dokonania opĚ�?aty konferencyjnej oraz generowania faktury.

The amount due is to be transferred to the bank account:

PL-01-003 Warszawa, POLAND
Al. Solidarno�?ci 82a/5
NIP: 522-000-20-38

Bank: PKO BP S.A. I O/Katowice
bank account (IBAN): PL03 1020 2313 0000 3302 0158 9423


To register for the IMCSIT 2007 go to the registration page and follow the instructions placed there.

If you are
an author of an accepted paper you must use the account created for submission of papers.