Track 3: Network Systems and Applications

Taking into account lack of certainty that it will be possible to organize the conference on-site (in Sofia) in September, we have decided that there is no other way but to organize the conference 100% telepresence based. This decision makes us very sad, but we believe that this is the best one we can make. This decision has consequences. First, the new conference fee has been reduced to 150 euro. Second, since we do not have to deal with local arrangements, we can use the extra time we have to establish the new submission deadline. It is now July 3, 2020 for the regular papers. We are looking forward to e-meet you.
FedCSIS organizers

Modern network systems encompass a wide range of solutions and technologies, including wireless and wired networks, network systems, services, and applications. This results in numerous active research areas oriented towards various technical, scientific and social aspects of network systems and applications. The primary objective of Network Systems and Applications conference track is to group network-related technical sessions and promote synergy between different fields of network-related research.

This year, this track (Track #3) has three main technical sessions, namely ANSA, IoT-ECAW’20, and NEMESIS'20. The ANSA technical session is a wide umbrella that receives research on a broad scope of network systems and technologies. The IoT-ECAW’20 workshop is dedicated to all papers related to the Internet-of-Things (IoT) developments, challenges, and applications. The NEMESIS’20 receives papers related to information security, user privacy, and trust management from broad scope of domains including networks, IoT, clouds, and in addition to conventional cybersecurity applications. The three technical sessions aim to cover all aspects related to network systems and networking technologies. As a matter of arrangement, we encourage submitting papers to their well-matched event. The track chairs are available via email to clarify any confusion that might occur.

Track 3 Chairs (email

  • Armando, Alessandro, University of Genova, Italy
  • Awad, Ali Ismail, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • Furtak, Janusz, Military University of Technology, Poland

Track 3 includes technical sessions:

  • Advances in Network Systems and Applications (ANSA'20)
  • Internet of Things - Enablers, Challenges and Applications (4rd Workshop IoT-ECAW'20)
  • Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust (1st International Forum NEMESIS'20)

Important dates

Submission of technical session proposals: November 12, 2019
Paper submission (sharp / no extension): July 3, 2020
Position paper submission: July 17, 2020
Author notification: August 1, 2020
Final paper submission, registration: August 14, 2020
Payment: August 28, 2020
Conference date: September 6-9, 2020

FedCSIS 2020 is organized by