Advances in Software and Systems Engineering (ASSE)

Sofia, Bulgaria, 6 - 9 September, 2020


Advances in Software and Systems Engineering (ASSE) is a workshop organized in the scope of the FedCSIS Track 5. It is aimed at covering all research aspects related to the development and application of various methodologies, techniques, and technologies in Software and System Engineering (SSE). We particularly emphasize here a strong synergy of Software and System Engineering, in various ways.

One viewpoint of such synergy is in the fact that many Software Engineering methods and techniques were evolved to the level of their practical application in System Engineering, and by this they were also recognized latter on as very successful and common System Engineering methods and techniques. Another important viewpoint is in that services and products engineered by various Software Engineering methods and techniques become components of often very complex systems in various problem domains. By this, engineers are mostly forced to synchronously apply both Software and System Engineering methods and techniques to specify and develop complex systems in the target problem domains. The third and not less important viewpoint is that software systems are to be also observed as systems in general. In this way, software engineers need to apply not only specific software engineering methods and techniques in the software development process, but also common system engineering methods and techniques.

The main goal of ASSE is to address open questions and real potentials for various applications of modern methodologies, techniques, and technologies in Software and System Engineering so as to develop and implement effective software services in the support of information management and system engineering. Also, ASSE targets all research and development aspects, which bring to the societies new or improved approaches, processes, methodologies, or techniques of SSE.


Submissions to ASSE are expected from, but not limited to the following topics:

  • Advanced methodology approaches in SSE – new research and development issues
  • Advanced SSE Process Models
  • Applications of SSE in various problem domains – problems and lessons learned
  • Applications of SSE in Lean Production and Lean Software Development
  • Total Quality Management and Standardization for SSE
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning methods in advancing SSE approaches
  • SSE for Information and Business Intelligence Systems
  • SSE for Embedded, Agent, Intelligent, Autonomous, and Cyber-Physical Systems
  • SSE for Design of Multimedia and Interaction Systems
  • SSE with User Experience and Interaction Design Methods
  • SSE with Big Data and Data Science methods
  • SSE with Blockchain and IoT Systems
  • SSE for Cloud and Service-Oriented Systems

Paper submission

  • Authors should submit draft papers (as Postscript, PDF or MSWord file).
  • The total length of a paper should not exceed 10 pages IEEE style (including tables, figures and references). IEEE style templates are available here.
  • Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the workshop.
  • Preprints containing accepted papers will be published on a USB memory stick provided to the FedCSIS participants.
  • Only papers presented at the conference will be published in Conference Proceedings and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® database.
  • Conference proceedings will be published in a volume with ISBN, ISSN and DOI numbers and posted at the conference WWW site.
  • Conference proceedings will be submitted for indexation according to information here.
  • Organizers reserve right to move accepted papers between FedCSIS events.

Important dates

Submission of technical session proposals: November 12, 2019
Paper submission (sharp / no extension): July 3, 2020
Position paper submission: July 17, 2020
Author notification: August 1, 2020
Final paper submission, registration: August 14, 2020
Payment: August 28, 2020
Conference date: September 6-9, 2020

FedCSIS 2020 is organized by