Track 1: Artificial Intelligence

Data Mining Competition: Network Device Workload Prediction

Taking into account lack of certainty that it will be possible to organize the conference on-site (in Sofia) in September, we have decided that there is no other way but to organize the conference 100% telepresence based. This decision makes us very sad, but we believe that this is the best one we can make. This decision has consequences. First, the new conference fee has been reduced to 150 euro. Second, since we do not have to deal with local arrangements, we can use the extra time we have to establish the new submission deadline. It is now July 3, 2020 for the regular papers. We are looking forward to e-meet you.
FedCSIS organizers

The AI Track aims at establishing the synergy between FedCSIS technical sessions, which encompass wide range of aspects of Artificial Intelligence. With its longest-tradition threads (such as AAIA and WCO, focusing on AI Applications and Computational Optimization, respectively), this track is also open to new initiatives categorized with respect to both, the emerging AI-related methodologies and practical usage areas. Nowadays, AI is usually perceived as closely related to the data, therefore, this track’s scope includes the elements of Machine Learning, Data Quality, Big Data, etc. However, the domain of Artificial Intelligence is actually far richer and our ultimate goal is to show relationships between all of its subareas, emphasizing a cross-disciplinary nature of the disciplines such as XAI, HCI, and others.

Track 1 Chairs (email

Track 1 includes technical sessions:

  • Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Applications (15th Symposium AAIA'20)
  • Language Technologies and Applications (5th Workshop LTA'20)
  • Computational Optimization (13th Workshop WCO'20)

Important dates

Submission of technical session proposals: November 12, 2019
Paper submission (sharp / no extension): July 3, 2020
Position paper submission: July 17, 2020
Author notification: August 1, 2020
Final paper submission, registration: August 14, 2020
Payment: August 28, 2020
Conference date: September 6-9, 2020

FedCSIS 2020 is organized by