Advances in Computer Science and Systems (ACSS)
Sofia, Bulgaria, 6 - 9 September, 2020
ACSS is welcoming presentations of the scientific aspects related to applied sciences. The session is oriented on the research where the computer science meets the real world problems, real constraints, model objectives, etc. However the scope is not limited to applications, we all know that all of them were born from the innovative theory developed in laboratory. We want to show the fusion of these two worlds. Therefore one of the goals for the session is to show how the idea is transformed into application, since the history of modern science show that most of successful research experiments had their continuation in real world. ACSS session is going to give an international panel where researchers will have a chance to promote their recent advances in applied computer science both from theoretical and practical side.
- Applied Artificial Intelligence
- Applied Parallel Computing
- Applied methods of multimodal, constrained and heuristic optimization
- Applied computer systems in technology, medicine, ecology, environment, economy, etc.
- Theoretical models of the above computer sciences developed into the practical use