Ewa Orłowska
National Institute of Telecommunications

Title: The Evolution of Rough Sets


The concept of rough set evolved from ideas formed in computer science, linguistics and philosophy. Inspirations drawn from these fields in the sixties and the seventies of the 20th century will be presented.

Short Bio

Ewa Orłowska received her MSc (1957), PhD with honors (1971), the Ministry of Science and Education award for the dissertation in 1972 and DSc (1978) degrees in mathematics from University of Warsaw, Department of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, and the scientific title of professor in 1993. She was employed at Warsaw University, Polish Academy of Sciences, and since 1996 she has been professor at the National Institute of Telecommunications. She authored or co-authored over 100 publications in international journals, 3 monographs, and edited several special issues of journals, conference proceedings and books. She participated in international projects from the Esprit series (as a member of a French group), Tempus, COST (a member of the management committees and in the COST Action 274 she was a working group coordinator), a NATO project, an INTAS project, bilateral collaboration projects with France, the UK and South Africa. She was an invited speaker or a member of the program committees at many international conferences. She was a visiting professor at universities in Europe, Canada, Japan, and South Africa. She served as an assessor for the Council of the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science (1999-2003) and a member of the international committee of the E. V. Beth PhD dissertation prize (2005-2007), and an Expert for the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission (2008-2011). She is a member of the editorial boards of 5 international journals. Her current research interests include reasoning with incomplete or uncertain information and duality theory.

Important dates

  • Call for event proposals: October 30, 2015
  • Call for dissemination event proposals: December 15, 2015
  • Paper submission (strict deadline): May 09 2016 23:59:59 pm HST
  • Position paper submission: May 30, 2016
  • Acceptance decision: June 13, 2016
  • Final version of paper submission: July 04, 2016
  • Final deadline for discounted fee: July 31, 2016
  • Conference dates: September 11-14, 2016

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Minister of Science and Higher Education
Jarosław Gowin

Minister of Digital Affairs
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Prezydent Miasta Gdyni
Wojciech Szczurek
Prezydent Miasta Gdańsk
Paweł Adamowicz

Rector of Gdansk University of Technology
prof. dr hab. inż. Henryk Krawczyk