Goals and Publications
The FedCSIS Events provide a platform for bringing together researchers, practitioners, and academia to present and discuss ideas, challenges, and potential solutions on established or emerging topics related to research and practice in computer science and information systems.
The Events will be selected based on the scientific/technical interest and/or their relevance to practitioners in their topics, the clarity of the proposal in addressing the requested information, the innovativeness of the Event topics, and the capacity in the FedCSIS multi-conference program.
As in previous years, Preprints of conference publications will be published on a USB memory stick given to FedCSIS participants. Next, papers presented during the conference will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library proceedings, and posted at the conference WWW site. The IEEE proceedings will be published under an ISBN number (and an IEEE Catalog number), under a nonexclusive copyright. Such copyright implies that Events' organizers can and, indeed, are strongly encouraged to invite extended and revised papers for post-conference publications in high-quality journals, edited volumes, etc.