Information Technology for Management, Business & Society (IT4MBS)
Warsaw, Poland, September 7-10, 2014
IT4MBS is a FedCSIS conference area aiming at integrating and creating synergy between FedCSIS events that thematically subscribe to the disciplines of information technology and information systems. The IT4BMS area emphasizes the issues relevant to information technology and necessary for practical, everyday needs of business, other organizations and society at large. This area takes a sociotechnical view on information systems and relates also to ethical, social and political issues raised by information systems. Events that constitute IT4BMS are:
- ABICT'14 - 5th International Workshop on Advances in Business ICT
- AITM'14 - 12th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for Management
- IT4L'14 - 3rd Workshop on Information Technologies for Logistics
- KAM'14 - 20th Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management
- SS4SI'14 - 1st International Symposium on Service Systems for Social Innovation