Invited Speaker: Klaus-Peter Fähnrich
Service Engineering as an important part of Service Science
Klaus-Peter Fähnrich
Abstract: In the early 90s first efforts were undertaken in Europe in the area of Service Quality Management. This led to the insight, that a more constructivist (engineering) approach for service industries and their products would be necessary. Service Engineering 1.0 was invented. Soon it became evident, that Service Engineering should be closely linked with customer orientation. So Customer oriented Service Engineering was founded (Service Engineering 2.0). For complex and ICT-based services a more formalized specification and representation of services became absolutely necessary. This was partly implemented in Service Engineering 3.0. In the next part of the speech some theses for a future Service Engineering 4.0 will be formulated. The speech will conclude with defining the relationship between Service Engineering and a potential Service Science.
Speaker bio: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Math. Klaus-Peter Fähnrich holds the chair of Business Information Systems at the Computer Science Institute at the University of Leipzig. He is head of the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) at the University of Leipzig and the Center for Information-, Knowledge- and Service Management (ZIWD). Prof. Fähnrich also acts as a principle consultant in the area of R&D and Innovation Management. His current areas of interest include Service Science, Business Information Systems, Internet Technologies and Software Engineering. He is one of the founders of the discipline “Service Engineering” and actively participates in the discussion on a potential Service Science. He was actively involved in about 50 projects in the area of Service Engineering/Service Science and published numerous articles in this area.